We have made the decision to shift our timing for Wirral MakeFest for 2025 and looking towards holding our event on Saturday the 10th of May 2025 and in one location only – Birkenhead Central Library. We are also proposing this will be a non-selling event. Our reasons behind these changes are very practical.

The earlier date means our event will not be within in school holidays. Therefore we hope to attract more schools and college projects who have been unable to join us. It also moves the event out of the height of exam season.

Wirral MakeFest will fall now half way between Halton Makefest and Liverpool MakeFest. We may attract some makers who wanted to join us last time but were attending another event on the day or in close proximity time wise.

The fabulous Wirral Open Studio Tour will be 14th-15th June 2025. By changing the date, our creative makers will not have to decide between the two events and will have more stamina to participate in both. In fact our event could be useful for promotion for the Wirral wide tour of studios.

The single location of Birkenhead Library makes sense as we struggled to secure the heritage transport that had been such a draw in our first year, and we then struggled to secure alternative transport to allow our visitors to visit both venues easily. Logistically it was double the work managing the two spaces and layouts.

Outside view of Birkenhead Central Library

The selling factor has always been something Wirral MakeFest has discouraged as we are about engagement, ‘having a go” and being a free event. However we also have to be practical for us as a company and for our makers. Therefore we are contemplating and proposing having a Wirral MakeFest shop where we can sell some merchandise with our branding and we can have some products from our makers.

Hope these are welcome changes and that Wirral MAYkeFest 2025 will be a huge success.

Wirral MAYkeFest 2025
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