In 2022, I was inspired to start Wirral MakeFest. I had just attended my first Liverpool MakeFest and managed to arrange coffee with Caroline Keep, one of its founders. Hearing about how it was organised in Liverpool, and knowing the talent and passion of people around me, I knew it would be great on the Wirral.
Excited about assembling a Wirral dream team, I met with Pat from Neston Makerspace and John from Wirral Code Club, both seasoned MakeFest veterans, and then contacted my friend and contemporary craftsperson extraordinaire, Alison Bailey Smith.

It was 8 months of planning, but John, Alison and I and a team of many moved forward to pull off a remarkable feat in June 2023: A MakeFest across 2 locations, the Williamson Art Gallery and the Birkenhead Central Library, with 1500 people and 50 exhibitors. Among the team was a brilliant mix of community organisations, like Make it Happen, Wirral Environmental Network, Make. and Faiths for Change, as well as local crafters, artisans, rocket-builders, coders, and robot makers. We had volunteers from the cadets and the Wirral Transport museum, University students, retirees, local teens and businesses all pitched in. We offered a SEND space and SENDCO support at each venue and even had a traveling planetarium show at the library. It was a brilliant success.
As the journey continued into late 2023 and 2024, I realised Wirral MakeFest was growing, and so too was Wirral Unplugged and, as a very small non-profit (and only 24 hours in a day), I had to make a choice between two things I love.
Wirral Unplugged was set up to help families manage screen time, develop creativity and explore. We support mental health and neurodiversity through hands-on activities and learning through play. We have worked with the Royal Society of Chemistry, Universities of Liverpool and Liverpool John Moores and British Science Week among others. We are eco-friendly and use local people’s talents to drive our boxes and events. Many MakeFest alumni including 3D Primo, Little Vintage
Photography, Sanna King, have been involved in creating the materials for our boxes.
But out of difficult decisions come amazing opportunities… Wirral Unplugged has become UK Unplugged and we’re focusing on growing and reaching more families with our materials, most recently, we’ve been supporting young people on the NHS CAMHS waiting list, with our unplugged boxes to spark new interests, develop creative skills and re-engage young people with the community.
Wirral Makefest, too, has seen new growth, and I’m excited to hear the plans Alison and John have for the future (and of course you’ll find us at Wirral and Liverpool MakeFests).
I’m so glad to have been involved in the birth of something I think will continue to be a cultural point on the Wirral in future, and I and UK Unplugged will be there at the next MakeFest cheering it on!