This is the final list of our makers:- Marie Louise Williams -demo-ing willow work, Re-jiggery – talking about sustainable upholstery, Make It Happen from Birkenhead – join them to have a go to make some textile gifts, Jo Burton – showing and selling her woodwork, ABScraft – our main organiser and recycling jeweller will be selling her work as well as hosting a table for you to make your own wrapping paper, Gweni-Louu – painter and sustainable wooden brooches, Denise Dooley – showing her zero waste non-plastic table ware i.e. pottery, Julie Dodd – Artist working with waste paper, Paper by Dragonfly – selling natural dyed paper kits to make flowers, Ceramic Organic using scrap porcelain, Wirral Older People’s Parliament making gift bags from offcuts, Robs artwork 2020 with wooden baubles and paintings,DoES Liverpool & Plastic Tactics using tech and plastic, Strive (Birkenhead) CIC making bunting, 3D Primo using 3d printing, The Cosmos Corner LTD using lego and tech, Lo Tierney Art, graphics, Callister Trust making green decor, Crafted by Norma steam punk collage, Ron’s Place/WACCLT making Xmas cards, Wirral Unplugged with their activity packs, Cyber Police tackling seasonal scams, Comics Youth making zines and Moira Young and Ben Cadwallader reading.

The final layout for tomorrow
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