Wirral MakeFest is thrilled to invite makers to join us for Wirral MakeFest 2025! The event will take place on Saturday, 10th May at Birkenhead Central Library on the Wirral.

We’re looking for makers, artists, craftspeople, coders, designers, creatives, tech enthusiasts, illustrators, jewellers, welders, woodworkers, mathematicians, and many more. Whether you’re an organisation or an individual, if you’d like to give a talk, run an activity, or offer a demonstration, we’d love to hear from you.

Wirral MakeFest is a celebration of STEAM for all ages, bringing together makers from the Wirral and across the UK. We’re planning a day that will excite, entertain, and inspire attendees, encouraging them to get involved in making themselves.

This is the third Wirral MakeFest, and we’re aiming to make it even better than our events in 2023 and 2024. We’re expecting a host of wonderfully talented and interesting makers, over 1,500 visitors, and a fun and inspiring day for everyone.

We have already attracted these makers:-

Eureka! Science + Discovery with from Chew to Poo presentations throughout the day,

Port Sunlight Village Trust’s SoapWorks – sounds and smells wonderful,

Wirral MakeFest welcome with the Mayoral Bunting,

Merseyside Police, Cyber Dependant Crime Unit – tackle security and cyber crime in a fun way

Make it Happen – community group with their Vibrant Village Living Room and creative textile transformations with badge making,

Wirral Arts & Culture Community Land Trust with Ron’s Place – outsider artist,

Julie Taylor with her home grown dye stuff and weaving in an eco friendly way- using biodegradable natural materials

The Wanderin’ Library – housing lo-fi handmade feel zines.

Plastic Tactics – making things from waste plastic

DoES Liverpool – Members of this makers’ community try to use recycled materials whenever possible, and to repair things (often using 3D printers etc.) so that new items aren’t needed as often.

Ling Warlow – Paper Botanist

Pimpinella Textiles – think SUFFOLK PUFFS and more

Wirral Libraries Story Patchwork – tell a story in stitch

Western Spiral Art – sparkly wands

Wirral Repair Café – sharing their knowledge on fixing, repairing, sewing and so much more

STEAMengineers – circuits and 3D printing

Purple Monkey – recycling, upcycling, fashion and patches

Julie Dodd Artist – repurposing paper and books into fungi and natural forms

Crafted by Norma – steam punk

Flip Computing – Providing an introduction to Flock XR, their new free 3D creation tool.

Naomi Blakeway Harris – Homes to Roost

BirkenHack – Birkenhead’s newest space – using old tech in new ways

Artemis Xanthopoulou – colourful paper mache

Furryocious – incredible mythical creatures made from felt

and the return of the very popular teacher, Willow Brook Primary School Academy’s Mr Tsui with The Intelino #Engineuity Challenge – how many wagons can you get the engines to move along an elevated section of track without derailing? Not as easy as it sounds!

and our own Wirral Code Club

and Wirral Met’s Prep4Life fabulous pop up cafe

Any questions? Please email us at hello@wirralmakefest.org

Sign up to be a Maker at WMF25!

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